Location: Lounge 2 and Abdijzaal
09:00 10:00 Registration and Coffee
Plenary Session
Location: Zuiderduinzaal
10:00 10:05 Welcome by Christa Testerink, Wageningen University and Research
10:05 10:50 Keynote George Coupland, Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding, Germany
“Analysis of the FT/Florigen transcriptional complex and its role in inflorescence
10:50 11:15 Lemeng Dong, University of Amsterdam
“Decoding an interkingdom hybrid chemical language: insights into the role of eclepins
in the plant-microbe-nematode interaction”
Location: Lounge 2 and Abdijzaal
11:15 11:45 Coffee/Tea- Break
Plenary Session
Location: Zuiderduinzaal
11:45 12:10 Mohamad Abbas, Utrecht University, “Living the high life: An oxygen-sensing mechanism for angiosperm adaptation to altitude.”
12:10 12:35 Kira Tiedge, University of Groningen
“Unearthing specialized metabolites for crop protection”
Lunch and Poster Session 1 (even numbers)
Location: Lounge 2 and Abdijzaal
12:35 14:00
Parallel Session 1
14:00 15:00
- Development – Room 522
- Novel Methods/Approaches – Room 558
- Social Impact of Sciences – Room 559
- Plant-Microbe Interactions – Room: Zuiderduinzaal
Location: Lounge 2 and Abdijzaal
15:00 15:30 Coffee/Tea- Break
Parallel Session 2
15:30 16:30
- Development – Room 522
- Cell Biology – Room 558
- Genomics & Bioinformatics – Room 559
- Plant-Microbe Interactions – Room: Zuiderduinzaal
Flash Talk Session 1
16:30 16:45
- Development – Room 522
- Cell Biology – Room 558
- Genomics & Bioinformatics – Room 559
- Plant-Microbe Interactions – Room: Zuiderduinzaal
PI/PostDoc/PhD hour
17:00 18:15
PhD hour: Room Zuiderduinzaal
Postdoc hour: Room 522
PI-hour: Room 558
Location: Restaurant
18:15 19:45 Dinner
Plenary Session
20:00 20:45 Keynote Ivo van Vulpen, Leiden University
“The Melody of Nature”
20:45 20:50 Dolf Weijers “GreenTE”
Social activities
21:00 22:00 Pubquiz @ O’Donnells Pub
21:00 23:00 Bowlen @ Lucky Strike Bowlen
22:00 24:00 Party @ van Speykzaal